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Blog Detail


Here we feature original reflections of a personal nature that explore our life of faith, scholarship, ministry and activism. We kick off with this piece by Gloria Bertrand, retired housewife, married for 65 years and long-time CTCT ‘pots and pans’ theologian. It’s the first in a series we dub ‘glory be’. The piece was written less than a month ago in October 2020 following a sudden accident which saw Gloria winding up in hospital for a short time.

Women crying in the night; crying from the pains of the present and of the past; crying out for loved ones who are no longer in their view – only in memories of times when life was lived, when there was Love, and care and need.

Women crying out for attention; for things either perceived or real, from others who give as generously as they can; they too are women giving within their own limitations.

Women, who were once lovers and mothers, daughters, sisters, friends to many; now helpless and confused, trying to find some sense in the midst of the darkness; trying to regain some dignity even as all seems lost, calling the names of those who cannot hear or will not hear; still they shout and cry out with the belief that someone will hear and come to their aid, someone like God who always hear their cries and comes to their help. “This poor woman called and the Lord heard her”.

Women, young and in their prime, with the skills to care for others, giving time and talent; giving, bonding in small ways through touch and voice and words of encouragement and comfort. Angels who may not realize how much their presence and care mean to those crying out aloud or in silence for answers to things unknown, mysterious things that are beyond their reach or understanding. “Life is a mystery to be lived” is a deep truth.

The Lives of Women matter, regardless of age or circumstance or state of life; we bring life; we give life; we sustain life; we are sources of life and creativity, yet we embrace all of life, from beginning to the end, the joys and the sorrows, the pain which cannot be avoided; like the pain of childbearing which will pass, we know how to wait with hope deep inside our beings, hope that never dies.

Gloria Bertrand

Here we feature original reflections of a personal nature that explore our life of faith, scholarship, ministry and activism. We kick off with this piece by Gloria Bertrand, retired housewife, married for 65 years and long-time CTCT ‘pots and pans’ theologian. It’s the first in a series we dub ‘glory be’. The piece was written less than a month ago in October 2020 following a sudden accident which saw Gloria winding up in hospital for a short time.

November 2020