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Advent from the Ledge

There is usually a special natural ambience at this time of the year. Have you noticed when dawn breaks there is a lingering softness of light as i

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Mia Mottley Tide

By Donald Chambers Prime Minister the Honourable Mia Mottley, Barbados became a Republic on November 30, 2021 (Feast of St. Andrew), seve

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Listening during the Pandemic

Contributing writer Ottrisha Carter shares on her experience of this year’s virtual Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today, held Novemb

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The ADVENT-ure of HOPE

The Advent-ure of Hope. There are two words that we use…and .usually apply to some of the most critical times in our lives: 

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The Covid effect: Turning the tide-CatholicTT

“The tide. tide is time, tide is timing, low tide, high tide, it’s the moment, the Kairos” (Don Chambers, CTCT, 2021). In oceanogra

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Living on the Ledge of Caribbean Theology

It is said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Today there are many hands that are rocking the cradle of life. As we prepare f

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Youth forum at theology conference

Within our Caribbean culture, there are numerous unspoken elements of contemplation in natural everyday activities like shelling peas, cleaning sorr

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Living Life on the Ledge: Listening to discern

" The Church may be both hierarchical and collegial but Pope Francis intends that in her interiority she will be synodal."This quote is taken from "

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Highlights of CTCT’s launch of upcoming Conference

  By: Ottrisha Carter Are you thinking about registering for the Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today’s (CTCT) upcoming virtual

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