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Mia Mottley Tide

By Donald Chambers Prime Minister the Honourable Mia Mottley, Barbados became a Republic on November 30, 2021 (Feast of St. Andrew), seve

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Living on the Ledge of Caribbean Theology

It is said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Today there are many hands that are rocking the cradle of life. As we prepare f

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Living Life on the Ledge: Listening to discern

" The Church may be both hierarchical and collegial but Pope Francis intends that in her interiority she will be synodal."This quote is taken from "

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Living Life on the Ledge: Look and See

"This period leading up to our Virtual Conference November 8-12 features the work of another longstanding on-the-ground theologian, Dianne Diaz. Her

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'glory be!'. We continue to feature the thoughts of Gloria Bertrand in this series of reflections by retired housewife, married for 65 years and long-

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A Moment in Time

Welcome to our CTCT micro blog. Here we feature original reflections of a personal nature that explore our life of faith, scholarship, mini

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Here we feature original reflections of a personal nature that explore our life of faith, scholarship, ministry and activism. We kick off with this pi

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