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Advent from the Ledge

There is usually a special natural ambience at this time of the year. Have you noticed when dawn breaks there is a lingering softness of light as i

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Living Life on the Ledge: Listening to discern

" The Church may be both hierarchical and collegial but Pope Francis intends that in her interiority she will be synodal."This quote is taken from "

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Living Life on the Ledge: Look and See

"This period leading up to our Virtual Conference November 8-12 features the work of another longstanding on-the-ground theologian, Dianne Diaz. Her

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Catholic Teaching on Judaism

and the Jewish People since Vatican II : Theological and Pastoral Implications for the Caribbean Church -Everard Johnston Introducing t

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PROFILE: Everard Johnston

Our very own Dr. Everard Johnston bid farewell to the Seminary of St John Vianney & the Uganda Martyrs in Trinidad after 48 years of invaluable s

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