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Message to our Sisters and Brothers in St Vincent and the Grenadines

The Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today greets our sisters and brothers in St Vincent and the Grenadines in love and solidarity. We express our solidarity with you in the face of how your lives have been upended with the eruption of La Soufrière and the subsequent flooding and mudslides, which have caused you further distress.

Nonetheless, we know that this is a difficult time which is calling on all your resources of faith, hope and charity. Our Caribbean family at home and abroad has rallied to your cause, demonstrating the Christian sibling charity which is a feature of our lives together in the region.

We give thanks to God that, even in the face of these disasters, there has been no reported loss of life. We also remark at the amazing fortitude and resilience of your people in the midst of incredible sufferings. You stand as a strong witness to the rest of the Caribbean.

Know that we offer our prayers and support as you seek to come to terms with “the turning of the tides” in the challenges of a global pandemic exacerbated by a volcanic eruption.