(868) 622-2932

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Who are we?
Our Main Venture
Our Mission
Who are we?


The Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today is a group of Caribbean persons of faith who over the last 25 years has struggled to provide a “free and open space” for theological reflection grounded in the daily lives of ordinary people while forging deep personal and spiritual relationships in an ongoing exploration and sharing of our Caribbean religious experiences

Our Main Venture
Our Main Venture

The CTCTs main venture is a theological Conference held bi-annually in different Caribbean locations. Conferences have been held in St. Lucia, Jamaica, Suriname, Dominica, Trinidad & Tobago.

Our Mission
Our Mission

To foster and celebrate pastorally grounded theological reflection in a relational Caribbean space.

We can’t do this alone. Your contributions aid in the continuity of our community

What’s our focus?

CTCT Highlights

Theological Method

                Formerly called inter alia: “Catholic Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today”; “Conference on Catholic Theology in the Caribbean Today”; “Caribbean Theology Today” has from the outset always attempted to provide an available and accessible space to the ordinary believer, be he/she a catechist, house wife, non-academic etc., for doing theology. Thus, the perennial role of lectio divina as a “method of doing theology” by ordinary people in CTCT. Although birthed out of the Roman Catholic tradition the Conference has been open to participation from ecumenical and interreligious friends and intends to embark more seriously upon this relationship as it moves forward.

Key Markers

            Upon reflecting on the evolution of the Conference over the past 25 years, longstanding member Gerald Boodoo highlighted the following as key markers of the Conference: hospitality, resiliency, sharing experiential and faith journeys, paying attention to location and poetics and the body. [see more in Gerald Boodoo’s Retrospect ]

History & Founding Members

               The Conference was founded in 1994 by Joseph Harris, Michel de Verteuil, Patrick A.B. Anthony (PABA) and was sponsored by the Pastoral Centres of the Archdioceses of Saint Lucia and Trinidad & Tobago and the diocese in Dominica. The first Conference was held in Saint Lucia, February 2-4, 1994. There were sixty-one 61 participants including laity, religious and clergy from eight Caribbean countries and from the USA. The papers presented at this first conference were published by the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, Saint Lucia under the title Theology in the Caribbean Today 1: Perspectives in 1995 with Patrick A.B. Anthony as editor. The following extract is from the editorial of this first publication:

“The collection is subtitled Perspectives because it reflects the search for perspectives within the Catholic theological community in the region. No theme was set for this first conference. Speakers were simply asked to share with their colleagues reflections on the work they were doing, their particular area of interest, study or research.