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Corpus Christi: A Cannibal Celebration?

Spurred on by a reflection shared by Father Martin Sirju “Corpus Christi and Real Presence“ the following redacted discussion took

The pieces are coming together

‘glory be!’. We continue to feature the thoughts of Gloria Bertrand in this series of reflections by retired housewife, married

Message to our Sisters and Brothers in St Vincent and the Grenadines

The Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today greets our sisters and brothers in St Vincent and the Grenadines in

Woman in Pain

Ah want to tell you a story, about something that really concerns me The other day ah went to San

A Moment in Time

Welcome to our CTCT micro blog. Here we feature original reflections of a personal nature that explore our life of faith, scholarship,

Celebrating the Contribution of Everard Johnston

Join us in celebration the contribution of Dr. Everard Johnston to the Caribbean Space. On Thursday December 10 at 3pm CTCT intends


Here we feature original reflections of a personal nature that explore our life of faith, scholarship, ministry and activism. We

2005 (Suriname)

Being Church in a Plural Society  

Catholic Teaching on Judaism

and the Jewish People since Vatican II : Theological and Pastoral Implications for the Caribbean Church -Everard Johnston Introducing the

Carne Vale

(Goodbye to flesh)?; Caribbean Carnival, Notions of flesh and Christian Ambivalence about the Body – Anna Perkins Carnival is a